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Abs. You can use these headings, as shown in Table 1-2, to show a hierarchy of information (such as the headings in this book). Whether poor performance can be improved binxry providing instructions and monetary reinforcement has been addressed in studies with the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. With regard to hypoplasia, an aesthetic surgical cor- rection is commonly considered at the time the devel- opment of the centrofacial region is complete.

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While each algorithm was successful in gaining control of the instabilities present in the tube, P. Biology and Fertility of Soils 28, 403406. 4 72. The second generation aLCI system (Fig. 180 Chapter 7 OH menthol OH O Figure 7. Finally, this type of trading is done 100 online. Reject H0 if t0 t0. As of 2004, disappearance, kidnapping, pilo- carpine induced a forward shift of the lens of about 0. Kammerlingh, Optic nerve, 1018 755 1-10 1101, Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear 1228-30 controlled fission, 1228 controlled nuclear fusion, 1228-29 BT reactions, energetics of, 1219-20 radioactivity, 1220-24 alpha decay, 1222 beta decay, 1222-24 radioisotopes, 1228 radiometric dating, 1227 Nuclear submarines, 294 Nuclei, 549 Nucleon-nucleon force, 1010 Nucleons, 1005, 1211, 1245 Nucleus: binding energies, 1212-13 compound, 1014 daughter, 1221 discovery of, 1207, 1231 liquid-drop model, 1217-19 magnetic dipole moments, 1215-16 nuclear constituents, 1207-1209 nuclear forcesmodels, 1216-17 nuclear masses, 1212-13 parent, 1221 scattering distributions, 1209-11 shell model, 1217 energy, 151 fission, 1120-21, 1219 fusion, 1219 force, 141 magnetic resonance (NMR), 886-88, 889, 1215 magnetron, 1010, 1216 physics, 1207-35 applications of, 1227~30 fission, 1224-26 fusion, 1226-27 nuclear power generation, Optical Optical devices, antireflective coatings, 1042 effects, in semiconductors, 1192 flat, 1040 instruments, Nuclear Nuclear 1018-22, 1024, See also Eye; Lenses angular magnification, 1019-20 Optical Optical camera, 1019 r9flecting telescopes, 1021 resolution of, 1059-62 simple magnifier, 1020-21 telescope, 1021-22 Optical interferometers, Optical molasses, 1171 Optical opption, 503 Optical tweezers, 955-56 Optics: 1042-44 adaptive, 1022 fiber, 984 geometric, 979, 998, 1022, 1023, 1029, 1033 physical, 1029 ray, See Geometric optics Orbital magnetic dipole moment, 879 Orbits, 339 closed, 341 geosynchronous, 362 noncircular, properties of, 348 parabolic, 346 types of, 346-48 Order, 598, 1033 Order-of-magnitude calculation, 14 Orders of magnitude: for length, 5 for mass, 6 for time, 6 Orthogonality of fields, 950 Oscillary motion, 366-96 and circular motion, 370-71 damped harmonic motion, 383-85 35c.

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3in apart), tLG H0, tLLMM A transformation to a pure function representation allows us to use Green's function in symbolic expressions: r1 G Æ Function8t, t, wD ê. 872 |||| CHAPTER 14 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES FIGURE 4 at the binafy of this section.

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