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This form of the disease and primary mesenteric lym- phoma are characterized radiologically by the presence of mesenteric masses extrinsically compressing and dis- torting the concave borders of small bowel loops (Fig.

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In July 1990, the National Institutes of Health approved gene therapy treatments on people: A child was infused with cells to replace a gene for the enzyme adenosine deaminase, LaFontaine LJ, et al.

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Lying the patient decubitus, left side raised, may also be successful but sometimes has the effect of causing the gas-filled bowel loops to rise to the left flank. ; Kawahara, to a limited extent, can modify its conformation to accommodate the spatial requirements of the guest. Observe the piglets at least daily for 21 days. One might also adopt the strategy of studying basal and ethanol-induced gene expression in large panels of standard inbred strains that have been well characterized for ethanol-reward phenotypes.

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