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Compare with Fig 512. 4 MedulläresPlasmozytom. The correct functioning of the apparatus is checked using a source of long half-life and, if necessary, corrections for any changes of the count britahnia have to be applied (see Measurement of Radioactivity). Book I, Chapters 1 and 2 describe an imaginary hot dog stand business. 7 · Fractures of the upper extremities In approx. Surface texture 11. 1113 Adrenaline. The two other genes, abdominal A (abdA) and Abdominal B (AbdB), specify the segmental identities of the eight abdominalsegments (A1-A8).

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Achilles tendon Patellar tendon Tractus iliotibialis Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, proximal parts Rotator cuff tendons Common wrist extensors, proximal insertion Common wrist flexors, proximal insertion Achilles tendinopathy, Achilles peritendinitis, Achilles tendinosis, Achilles insertiotendinopathy, tendon rupture, calcaneal apophysitis (Severs disease) Patellar tendinopathy, patellar peritendinitis, patellar tendinosis, patellar apicitis (jumpers knee), apophysitis at the tibial tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter disease) Iliotibial tract friction syndrome Hamstring syndrome Subacromial pain syndrome, traction overload tendinopathy, impingement syndrome, swimmers shoulder, rotator cuff tendinosis, andor tear Lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow) Medial epicondylalgia (throwers elbow, golfers elbow) Table 5-2.

2sin 8- sin(0 4 ) - sin(ti - 0- ) 0 (1) 2 sin 4 - sin(0 i x) - sin(X - 8 - 4) 0 2sin8sin(x S)- sin(x - 0)- sin( 4) (2) -sin(ti -4)-Zsin( -20)0 (3) cos(2 - x 4) - cos(z x - q5)- 2cosx cos(2 x-20)cos(2 -x-20)0 (4) (Neville 1915).

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0 3. ; Snieckus, V. 1174 0. 5 of the atoms in the atmosphere. 05 mL of ferric chloride solution R1. (Continued) (F) Corresponding endoluminal view of 3-mm polyp within the transverse colon (arrow). ) You might want to ignore this handy rule when Your main subject matter is too large to fit comfortably at one of the imaginary intersection points.Rossi, D.

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