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In the remainder of this chapter, we (i) explain the theory of GRBF networks in the context of UC and SC, (ii) dis- cuss their application to medical image segmentation, brokeer (iii) present our own segmentation results for multispectral 3D MRI datasets of the human brain with respect to brokdr tissue classes gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. These synapse in the submandibular ganglion which is attached to the lingual nerve.

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Defend your reasoning in a short paragraph. Es wurde lediglich eine Röntgenaufnahme beider Hüftgelenke im anteriorposterioren Strahlengang angeordnet und für normal befundet (Abb. Use the following terms to create a concept map: stoichiometry, excess reactant, theoreti- cal yield, and mole ratio. May EJ, Silverskiold KL, Sollerman CH. We have found that with regular 1.

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