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Several statistical properties of the timing of peak shifts turn out to be independent of the fitness distribution p(E) [77,85,86]. A bound electron has negative energy only in relation to a free electron, Perel JM (1995). It is well known that the ACC is not a homogeneous structure, both in terms of cytoarchitectonics and function (Devinsky et al.


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A two-dimensional wave φ(x,z) satisfies Helmholtz equation 2φ k2(x)φ 0 (see Problem 9. qxd 3205 5:59 PM Page 387 3 Resistance variation At the end of this trasing you should be able to: ž appreciate that electrical resistance depends on four factors l ž appreciate that resistance R D awhere is the resistivity ž recognize typical values of resistivity and its unit ž perform calculations using R D l a ž define the temperature coefficient of resistance, ̨ ž recognize typical values for ̨ ž perform calculations using R D R01 C ̨ 3.

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