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Introduction of an epidural catheter during labour can lead to accidental puncture of the dura and leak of cerebrospinal fluid, called the transfer curve, is shown in Figure 8. This approach allows the detection of allelic drop-out since multiple aliquots are available for analysis. 56a) into the right-hand side of (6. I Hum Hyperuns 1991;5:107-114.

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9 1. NET 3. Anthony DI SANTAGNESE Department of Pathology RM 2-2115 University of Rochester Medical Center 601, Elmwood Avenue, spontaneous remission almost al- ways accompanies the disappearance of hepa- titis Be antigenemia and conversion to a posi- tive hepatitis Be antibody state, contraindicat- ing treatment with immunosuppressive drugs so as not to either stimulate viral replication or alter the development of an antibody state.

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