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000 g add a solution of 10 g of sodium chloride R in 30 ml of water R. Eur J Vasc Surg 1992; 6:217-224. 23 PIS9 659 -6359 4s) 3SSY 545Y 5S') -X)59 50 The vibrations of systems having one degree of freedom [Ch.

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Intelligence. NET Namespace System. At one time, the name of the national associ- ation in the U. As a rule such superficial lesions heal completely without scarring after small ulceration fol- lowing treatment and the long-term result is excellent in 82 of cases show- ing no recurrence after 1-year follow-up [52].

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Radiology 199: 191198 (1996). Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Cold protein denaturation (a distortion of the secondary structure defined mainly by hydrogen bonds [819], although some disulfide bonding can also occur [102]), observed in the temperature range 020C [1076] could be either reversible or irreversible in contrast to the usually irreversible thermal denaturation [102, 616]; in particularity, the freezing of the globular proteins frequently results in the reversible partial denaturation [1016].

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