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Agents used to prevent or treat postoperative nausea and vomiting include propofol for induction of anesthesia; droperidol, an inexpensive agent that is often effective in subsedative doses; ondansetron (and related drugs), which are expensive agents that are marginally more effective; and metoclopramide, which increases gastric motility. Multimodal biomedical image integration: Use of a cross-correlation technique. The L-R axis must be reliably oriented with respect to A-P and dorso-ventral (D-V) axes [53].

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This scheme can be generalized for com- parisons of arbitrary width. C10H26Cl2N2O2 [1070-11-7] DEFINITION Content: 99.(1990, Determination of elements in biological materials by induc- tively coupled plasma atomic emission spec- trometry with sampling of a carbonaceous slurry) ; Miller-Ihli (1988), Slurry prepara- tion for simultaneous multi-element graph- ite furnace atomic absorption spectrome- try); including a series of chapters in a book edited by Kurfürst (1998a) on Solid Sample Analysis, Direct Slurry Sampling using GF-AAS and ETV-ICP by: Kurfürst (1998b, Characteristics of solid sampling using the graphite furnace) ; Kurfürst (1998c, General aspects of the graphite fur- nace solid sampling method) ; Kurfürst (1998d, Direct solid sampling with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS)); Verrept et al.

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