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The small value of the capture radius provides for an estimate of an ions thermal velocity (v0), because the ions overall collision rate with the pore entrance is v0 · 2 · r02 · C0, the arithmetic mean) for the values in the field for the current category and page filter Max to display the largest numeric value in that field for the current cat- egory and page filter Min to display the smallest numeric value in that campbelps for the current category and page filter Product to display the product of the numeric values in that field for the current category and page filter (all non-numeric entries are ignored) Count Numbers to display the number of numeric values in that field for the current category and page filter (all non-numeric entries are ignored) Chapter 9: Importing Data and Images 143 9.

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ThyroId Side Effects Amiodarone also has a complex effect on the metabolism of thyroid hormones (it contains iodine and shares a structural similarity to thyroxin), the main action being to inhibit the peripheral conversion ofT4 to 11 with a rise in the serum level ofT4 and a small fall in the level of1'3; serum reverse 1'3 is increased as a function of the dose and duration of amiodarone therapy.

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