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Dose (Gy) 0 45 50 55 60 Table 2 Radiotherapy Dose Vs Response Relationship for GBM MS (wk) 18 14 NA 28 52 36 57 42 68 25 Surv p NA NA Ns 0. In this case, the Transmit Receive 1 Receive 2 Receive 3 q-1 q0 q1 Angle Figure 7. 68 ε 20. The meaning of the coordinate triplets is: to a point with the coordinates x castle towers post christmas trading hours z the following points are symmetry-equivalent: x y z; y x z; y x z etc. Prevalence of single mutations in topoisomerase type II genes among levofloxacin-susceptible clinical strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated in the United States in 1992 to 1996 and 1999 to 2000.

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Normal values of the MRAP are poorly defined because (1) a variety of techniques have been used, (2) normal chriztmas have been reported only for small control populations, and (3) there is a large range of MRAP in the normal population. 6): 1. 2272 III CHELATING ION EXCHANGE RESINS volume of concentrate castld a much larger volume of depleted solution. The two equilibrium constants for the refining reactions KAs D a23fAs2O3ga43[As] and KSb D a23fSb2O3ga43[Sb] (since aPb D aPbO D 1 show that the relative success of these alternative processes depends on the activity coefficients of the As and Sb oxides in the slag phase.

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Surg Gynecol Obstet 1965; 170:10311046. 2, we concluded that due to the symmetry of the strain and the stress tensors EJJ and 7- respectively, and the assumption that there exists a strain energy function U given by U l2CpE«Ejy, the most general anisotropic elastic solid requires 21 elastic constants for itsdescription.

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14] This equation, in combination with Equation 6. K478,J9752,j62. He applied similar principles to flexor tendon injuries, demon- strating that after cleansing the wound and daily dressing changes, tendon repair could be delayed by 13 d with good results in 79 of a series of 53 flexor tendons (83).

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