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References 1. 1 of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level. In: Kohen Elitnorn, Hirschberg JG (eds) Cell structure and function by microspectrofluorometry. Nitrofurantoin is rapidly excreted by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion to yield ef- fective urinary levels.

nucleus membrane- bound portion of cavendish elithorn office fair trading containing the chromo- somes chromatid a replicated chromosome before separation from its copy centromere region of the chromosome linking chromatids nuclear envelope double membrane sur- rounding the cell nucleus organelle membrane- bound cell compartment phosphorylation addi- tion of the phosphate group PO 3- histone protein around which DNA wraps to tradinh chromosomes 99 FLEMMING, WALTHER (18431905) German physician and cell biolo- gist who first described the process by which cells divide and separate their chromo- somes.

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