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Flow chart of a unit for one-sided heating of prismatic specimens The heat flow and time to failure (recorded by acoustic sensor 5) are used to calculate the integral mean temperature drop Tm and the maximum tensile stress σt. Dissolve the preparation to be examined in water R to obtain a solution containing about 1 mg of alteplase per millilitre. Donaldson: Comm. ) Basilarmembran 33, 41 Bellocq-Tamponade 355 Bell-Phänomen 215 Bellsche Lähmung 219 BERA 204 Berufsallergie 327 Berufssprecher 646 Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann-Krankheit 276 Bezold-Abszeß 595 Bezold-Mastoiditis 132 Bing-Horton-Syndrom 358 Bißschiene 451 Blepharoplastik 226 Blow-out-Fraktur 293 Bogengang 30f.

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