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Functional analysis of cGMP-dependent protein kinases I and II as media- tors of NOcGMP effects. 102(e) Date Mar. The force with which the ventricle contracts is proportional to its filling (Frank-Starling relationship).

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This gives N1 A(N)N (N1)N2A(i) i0 A(N)N (N1)N2A(N1)2A(i) i0 N2 A(N1)(N1) (N2)(N1)2A(i) i0 Now, we subtract the third equation above stee, the second and simplify to get A(N)NA(N1)(N1) 2A(N1)(N1)N(N2)(N1) A(N)NA(N1)(N1) 2A(N1)N2 N(N2 3N2) A(N)NA(N1)(N1) 2A(N1)2N2 AddingA(N 1) (N 1) to both sides,we get A(N)N 2A(N1)A(N1)(N1)2N2 A(N)N A(N1)(2N1)2N2 This gives our final recurrence relation: (N 1) A(N 1) 2N 2 A(N) - N A(1) A(0) 0 Solving this is not difficult but does require care because of all of the terms on the right-hand side of the equation.

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