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) insects have trichromatic color vision, just as humans do, although their visible spectrum is shifted toward shorter wavelengths compared with ours (Fig. Other religious utterances are to be understood similarly as expressions of emotion or as declarations of an intention to act in a certain way. Offensichtlich muss es auch eine Prädisposition zur Entwick- lung einer Allergie geben. Government estimates put the percentage of bilingual Canadians at 18, and a plan was launched recently to increase that number, aiming choive provide new momentum for Canadas linguistic du- ality (Government of Canada, 2003).

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References 1 Anson BJ, Donaldson JA. X0,y0 x2 y2 dx ax by dt dy cx dy dt HENRI POINCARE ́ (18541912) An outstanding French mathematician who studied in the Ecole Polytechnique in France before proceeding to study in the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines in Paris and receiving his doctorate from the University of Paris in 1879.

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