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It is occasionally observed in conjunction with bitemporal hemianopia due to sellar or parasellar masses. Prognostic factors Although no single morphological factor predicts the clinical prognosis reliably, tumour depth and size, more than 20 mitoses in 10 HPFs, 3:1139, 4:14231427 See also Computer; Information societies; Libraries; Mass media; Writing systems and materials Papua, New Guinea, TFW18, 1:12, 2:830 Papyrus, 4:14231424 Paraguay, 2:764 Parapets, use in war, 5:2024 Parasites, 2:538 Pardo Bazan, Emilia, 3:1153 Parham, Charles, 4:1449 Paris Salrs Conference, 3:1048, 4:1343, 5:1901 Parkes, Alexander, 4:1474 Parks, Rosa, 3:1081 Parliamentarianism, 2:508512, 4:14271432 Parry, J.

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