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The Fourier transform is repre- sented with the power spectrum (or spectral density). In homogenous societies (with one religion in Index 573 [Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy] simple trait modifiers, 56 single nucleotide polymorphism, 3 sudden cardiac death, 144 systolic function, 170 transcription, 3 translation, 3 Hypertrophic response, calcineurin targets, molecular signaling, 30 Hypertrophy, with diastolic heart failure, 373 374 Hypervolemia, in diastolic heart failure, 167 Hypotension, with angiotensin receptor blockers, 309 Hypothyroidism as cause of dilated cardiomyopathy, 139 in diastolic heart failure, 167 systolic function, 171172 Hypoxia, systolic heart failure, 186 I-PRESERVE study, angiotensin receptor blockers, 293294 ICDs.

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