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70 rads2. 5 (2) Aerodynamic admittance expressescorrelation of the effect of gusts overtheareaof structure Independent variablenT Independent variable HnV To peak Independent variablennQ n frequency (Hz) nQ - natural frequency of structure H largest dimension of faceof structure F generalisedforce for first natural mode 6structurenatural damping logarithmic decrement yresponseof structure Kmodal generalisedstiffnes (3) (4) (5) Forcespectrumpropor- tional to product of ordinates of (1) and (2) Mechanical admittance 1 n-n2n2)2 (dn7rn0)2 expresses dynamic magnification of response Responsespectrum 2 MK X(3)X(4) Varianceof response (mean square of deviation fromthe mean value) isgiven by the area of diagram (5) Forexample, withH10Om,n0.

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