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CurrentpracticesandopinionsinACLreconstruc- tion and rehabilitation: results of a survey of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. A method to establish pure fibroblast and endothelial cell colony cultures from murine bone marrow. A new gun consists of a uniform rod AB of mass m1 and a small collar C of mass m2 that slides freely on the rod. This filter is a composite filter that has the ability to manipulate the trade-off between generalization and discrimination that is inherent in first order filters.

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Active efflux has been reported as an acquired mechanism of resistance to macrolides in clinical isolates of Gram-positive organisms. 760 Glossary ONPG (o-nitrophenyl galactoside) Artificial substrate that is split by b-galactosidase, releasing yellow o- nitrophenol open circle Circular DNA with one strand nicked and hence with no supercoiling open reading frame (ORF) Sequence of bases (either in DNA or RNA) that can be translated (at least in theory) to give a protein operator Site on DNA to which a repressor protein binds operon A cluster of prokaryotic genes that are tran- scribed together to give a single mRNA (i.

KUNIS, Berlin (1961) HILL, R. And Hofmann, a previous study from this laboratory showed virtually all acute coronary lesions to be associated with calcification at the site of the acute lesion [57].

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Some patients who are being investigated for fever are in fact afebrile or the fever may settle spontaneously TABLE 145-3 -- Specific exposures that assist optoins the diagnosis of infections.

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Another signaling protein opttions the optlons LIM protein (MLP), also known as cysteine rich protein yealthy (CSRP3, CRP3). Bazley Grant to Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University has provided continuing research support that has been invaluable to the Allergy-Immunology Division wihh Northwestern University. Arch. 3 Verletzungen der Segmente C3S1 Ätiopathogenese : Zur Ätiologie und Pathogenese der HWS-Verletzungen s.

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