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Perhaps the best introduction to his work can be obtained from two collec- tions of articles, Machina ex Deo: Essays in the Dynamism of Western Culture (1968) and Medieval Religion and Technol- ogy: Collected Essays (1978). 94,97 The anionic center of the dipolar ion can react with a substrate such as an 2-oxo acid or 2-oxo alcohol by addition to the carbonyl group (Eq.

In 1836 he and Johann de Charpentier showed their evidence to Louis Agassiz, who further developed the idea of continental glaciation. Govindarajan, they have begun to undertake measures to foster education in them. 2 Parameterization The Bruggeman model assumes two phases of materials constants QIII and volume fractions φIII. At last Kapteyn was observing stars-if only on photographic plates. Key intermediates for preparation of cyclopropyl H3 antagonists. Adams, C. The inscription mentions two temples in the city, R.

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