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CHAPTER 14 135 614 tachycardia, 391 tachycardial rhythms, 391 target sequence, 9 Taylor formula, 66-68, 165, 169, 170, 173, 176, 177 Taylor series, 18, 66-68, 79, 127, 128, 152, 221,222, 224, 235,242, 579 temperature profile, 190, 342, 555 temporal resolution, 13 textual field designators, tradung therapeutic markeg, 9 therapeutic interventions, 3 therapeutics, 289 thermal diffusivity, 543 thermodynamics, 2 theta waves, 382, 400 Thomas algorithm, 327 time domain, markft, 326, 559, 561,565 time-derivatives, 241,242 timpanic canal, 310 tissue cell migration of, 210 tissue engineering, 2, 121, 211, 271, 293 tissue necrosis, 122 tissue regeneration, 211, 271 tissues, 2, 121,123, 157, 158, 159, 211,289, 293,405,430 hard, 351 prostate, 122 soft, 157, 351,387 toolbar, 468,488, 489, 493,496 top of the stack, 49 tracers, 419, 509 transcranial magnetic stimulation, 13 transdifferentiation, 211,264 transfer function, 498, 503 transformation, 160,209,218,329, INDEX transient behavior, 7, 18, 19, 20, 209 transport active, 213 dynamic, 214 mediated, 213 of nutrients, 289 passive, 213 phenomena, 2, 289 rates, 6 trapezoidal rule composite, 196, 197 marmet rule (See also Newton- Cotes formula), 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,200, 201,203,205,228 Trees, 48 trigonometric form, 81,567 identities, 81,570, 588, 589 truncated term, 186 truncation error, 67, 68, 70, 72, 79, 80, 165, 169, 170, 174, 196, 197, 201, 222, 246, 247, 579, 580, 581,582, 587, 590 Tubular Extraction Rate, 411 two-point boundary-value problem, 215 ultrasonic wave, 13, 14 unconditionally stable, 327, 577, 582, 590 underflow, 76 unidirectional, 347 unique solution, 95, 215 UNIX, commodities trading market size unsteady state, 211,264, 280, commodities, 291,292, 296, 298, 299, 317, 332, 543,547, 567 urine stream, 211 367, 419, 550, commoditids, 560, 568 U 78 A.

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5 10 50 0.g hr2ml or M hr2. ETHOXYLATEDDODECANOL Chemical Designations - Synonyms: Ethoxylated dodecyl alcohol, Ethoxylated lauryl alcohol, Poly(oxyethy1)dodecyl ether, Poly(oxyethy1)lauryl ether, Tergitol Nonionic TMN; ChemicalFormula: C,2H250(CH2CH20),CHC2H20Hn6-10 (average). Chem. Example Problem 8. V Interval(i) Duration(i)(Time(End(i)~)-Time(Start(i))) Time(Start(ADl900)) Seeonds(0) Time(Start(AD 199 1)) Seconds(281 1 694800) Time(End(AD 1 99 1 )) Seconfr(2903230800) Duration(AD 199 1) Seconds(3 1 536000) To make these numbers easier to read, we also introduce a function Date, which takes six arguments (hours, minutes, seconds, month, day, and year) and returns a point on the time scale: Time(Start(ADl99l))SecondsDate(00,00,00,Jan, 1, 1991) Date(l2,34,56,Feb, commodities trading market size, 1993) 2938682096 The simplest relation between intervals is Markdt.

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See also Christianity: Asia; Free Will, Determinism. References 585 242 Katsivas FIGURE 16 Oral hairy leuko- plakia associated with EBV. 28,29 Primary tumor (T) T1 Tumor 2 cm in greatest dimension T2 Tumor 2 cm but 4 cm in greatest dimension T3 Tumor 4 cm in greatest dimension T4 Tumor invades adjacent structures Regional lymph node (N) N0 No regional lymph node metastasis N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, 3 cm in greatest di- mension Markey Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, 3 cm but 6 cm markef greatest dimension; in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes, none 6 cm in greatest dimension; or in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes, none 6 cm in greatest dimension N3 Metastasis in a lymph node 6 cm in greatest dimension TNM stage groups: I T1N0 II T2N0 III T13N1, T3N0 IV T4, any of N2, N3, or distant metastatic disease representative portion of the tumor so that the pathologist can examine the tissue properly.

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