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References Love, A. Wilkins R. hhc, and. Clozapine 269 portal, 293 pregnancy-induced (preeclampsia-eclampsia), 415 pulmonary, 429 Hyperthermia, malignant, 372 Hyperthyroidism, 268, 270, 274 Hypertriglyceridemia, 110 Hypochondriasis, 380 Hypoglycemia, ethanol, 82 Hypomanic episode, 377 Hypoparathyroidism, 269, 270, 450 Hypospadias, 414 Hypothalamic-pituitary hormone regulation, 262 drugs used in, 274 Hypothalamus functions, 344 Hypothyroidism, 268, 440, 443 I I-cell disease, 90 Id, 75 Identification, 76 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur- pura, 194, 438 Ifosfamide, 319 IL-12 receptor deficiency, 195 Imatinib (Gleevec), 320 Imipenem, 170 Immune complex, 193 Immune deficiencies, 195, 202 Immune responses, 190196 anergy, 192 antigen variation, 192 autoantibodies, 196 cell surface proteins, 190 complement, 191 cytokines, important, 190 HLA subtypes, 196 hypersensitivity, 193 diseases caused by, 194 immune deficiencies, 195 interferon mechanism.

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