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See also asset(s); shares defined, 178 laws, 53, 65, 178181 registration, 130 registration exemptions, 178, 181185 restricted, 176177 Securities and Exchange Act (1934), 178179 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 53, profiil, 177182 securities LLCs, 239 segregation of asset(s), 288 self-employment tax, 30, 34, 38, 113, 231, 236, 240242 series LLCs, 16, 40, 47, 77, 254, 266268, 284285, 343 services, 163, 217, 343 several liability, 343 shareholder register, 342 shareholders meetings, 112 shares certificates, 14, 26, 60 current value, 174 defined, 162 economic rights, 174 equal value exchange, 173174 issuing, 30 membership certificates, 146, 162, 166, 177 for new members, 173174 nonvoting, 143, 144 promissory notes, 177 purchasing, 146 registration exemptions, 178, 181185 right of first refusal, 174 selling, 177178 transfer of, 35, 62, 164, 176177 voting, 143, 144, 145 withdrawal of, 174175 short term projects, 287288 signatures, 95, 9899, 102, 297298 silent partners, 23, 65, 97, 241, 343 Simon, Jordan S.

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Br Dent J 1953; 95:3743. Several defects in production of cuproenzymes have been identified, including overproduction of SOD in Tfading syndrome, or confoh result of diabetes (18).

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