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Patients with involvement of the ascending aorta, arch, and descending thoracic aorta are classified as DeBakey type I (Stanford A, proximal); patients with involvement only of the ascending aorta are classified as DeBakey type II (Stanford A, proximal); and patients with dissection involving the aorta distal to the left subclavian artery are referred to as DeBakey type III (Stanford B, distal) (39,40). The range of applications of covalent chromatography by thiol} disulRde interchange is summarized in Table 2.

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Beduschi MC, Beduschi R, Oesterling JE. The arguer puts a weak argument in an opponents mouth when stronger argu- ments are available. Bittner JJ. Holden, N. 722 Index of drug names Clozapine (Continued) smoking, 282 SSRIs, 280 topiramate, 281 tricyclic antidepressants, 21, 281 valproate, 2812 venlafaxine, 119 -induced agranulocytosis, reported incidences of, 271t long-term effects: drug withdrawal, 275 monitoring therapy, 282 observational studies, 2612 organs and systems: body temperature, 275 cardiovascular, 2646 death, 275 gastrointestinal, 273 hematologic, 2703 immunologic, 275 liver, 2734 metabolism, 26970 mouth and teeth, 273 musculoskeletal, 274 nervous system, 2668 pancreas, 274 psychological, psychiatric, 2689 salivary glands, 273 sexual function, 2745 urinary tract, 274 placebo-controlled studies, 263 second-generation effects: lactation, 276 pregnancy, 275 tertatogenicity, 2756 susceptibility factors: age, 276 ethnicity, 276 other features of patient.

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