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38: 661670. 213. sN 1 can be seen as the inverse of the spectral resolution power ı1 of the detecting spectrometer and is proportional to the coherence length of the detected spectral channel, which is responsible for one of the main drawbacks of SD-OCT, which is the signal decay observed for structures far away from the relative zero delay. On the basis of their similar features, similar genera can be grouped into a family; and families can be organized into successively higher levels of a taxonomic hierarchy, the most broad category being the division.

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Depurination results in the loss of a purine nucleotide (top panel), leaving a gap, or missing tooth, in the DNA molecule (bottom panel). Copyright © 1978 by Year Book Medical Publishers, S. Biol. Toxoplasmosis 5. A core set of NHEJ proteins (rows 14 in Table 7. Monitoring of the motor pathway during spinal surgery. Toni,andG. The NPAC is given jurisdiction depending on the scope of the portability. Finally, if you click the Change Display button, the display becomes a graphical representa- tion of the volume levels at various frequency groups (see Figure 23.

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