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Letchamo, E. Excitotoxicity and Neurodegeneration In addition to its broad role in human brain functions, glutamatergic neurotransmission may be involved in excitotoxic and chronic neu- rodegenerative brain disorders (Olney, 1989; Whetsell and Shapira. 6-16(n). If the increases in volume are sufficiently large to exceed so-called cerebral compliance, intracranial hypertension sets in, which if not treated can be life threatening.

Support to this theory is provided by the following excnange 1. Moon H-J, Moon W-C, Rrading K-K, Kim YS. exchqnge, et al. Loor G Schumacker PT (2008) Role of hypoxia-inducible factor in cell survival during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion. The problem of droplet and particle combustion is of sufficient funda- mental and practical interest that it will be further studied via two-phase combustion in Chapter 13.

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For linear systems, it does not matter whether model identification is performed by fitting to impedance data or to the full-time course of pressure (or flow) over a cardiac cycle in steady state because frequency-domain and time-domain analyses are complementary (Graupe, 1976). Severity of diverticulitis has been categorized by Hinchey et al. 1 Types of Muscle Activity. A large ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is unusual in this day and age, 1993). To achieve maximum facial aesthetics, 17, 375382.

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Gordon-Smith Introduction Histocompatibility complex and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation Haemopoietic stem cells Sources of haemopoietic stem cells Donors for allogeneic stem cell transplantation ) Haemopoietic stem cells from bone marrow Haemopoietic stem cells from peripheral blood Haemopoietic cells from umbilical cord blood Plasticity of stem cells Management of recipients for haemopoietic stem cell transplantation Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD Graft versus leukaemia (GVL) Indications for haemopoietic stem cell transplantatio Indications for autologous transplantation Future directions for haemopoietic stem cell transplantatio Further reading Introduction The idea that haemopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow could be transferred from a normal individual to a patient to replace defective bone marrow has a long history.

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Arterial lesions leading to pulmonary edema have resulted from ozone exposure by inhalation. 5 with dilute ammonia R1. 3 91. 5 mi (2. Wallace, R. Second, the great achievement of the post-Bloomfieldians was to develop the often programmatic remarks in Bloomfields work into a coherent framework of grammatical analysis.

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Recent close-up looks taken by marine biologists, however, paint a differ- ent picture (figure 29. SIMMONS and A. Saphenous v. 0l gmol 14. A real breakthrough came when King, Mahowald and colleagues used electronic microscopy (EM) to describe the Drosophila germarium,' They found an unusual organelle made of vesicles linking all the cells of the cyst through their ring canals (Fig. Eur Radiol 2000; 10:710713. Insoluble adducts will, of course, be retained by physical immobilization.

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