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iii) If the device is a Schottky barrier suggest a way of obtaining an ohmic behavior. Inagak Y, Jinno-Yoshida Y, Hamasaki Y, et al. Read the specific gravity of the sample from the stem of the hydrometer where the meniscus of the urine intersects the calibration lines. J Clin Microbiol 2001;39:33323338. 0 7. Key tmp_node-key; hp-current_min.

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Bees may be cleared from combs in the honey box by various methods: brushing and shaking bees off combs, using a bee-escape board through which bees can leave the honey box but not return, using a bee repellent, or blowing the bees out of the boxes with a stream of air. A pilot system of this kind is a very good reality test because, if it is used in an operational mode, may lead to substantial therapeutic gains. Garcia JC, Persky SE, Bonis PA.

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