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Res. Extrapolating all the way back to "the beginning," the universe would appear to have begun as a point-an image we will critically re-examine in later chapters-in which all matter and energy is squeezed together to unimaginable density and temperature. Koo. Interestingly, cardiac-specific overexpression of MEK1 (one of the immediate upstream activators of the ERKs) produced concentric cardiac hypertro- phy, but unlike most other models, such as the calcineurin transgenic, the MEK1 transgenic animals did not progress to contractile failure [131].

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This training model was created in 1986 and is applied within 3 days after a death. Soc. Idiosyncratic agents may be due to aberrant metabolism of the drug to a toxic intermediate that induces liver injury in the susceptible patient, or may be immunologic in nature (37,38,40 42). 136 for planar shear layers. The Health reading on the next page lists the various ill- nesses that are apt to occur when a person smokes.

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