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(Reprinted with permission from Paller KA, Acharya A, Richardson BC, Plaisant O, Shimamura AP, Reed BR, Jagust WJ: Functional neuroimaging of cortical dysfunction in alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome. High resolution studies have been carried out ' in both T-y and T-P planes and it is now accepted that the topology of the phase diagram in the vicinity of NSASC multicritical point exhibits universal behaviour (Fig.

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Higher levels of HIF-1a mRNA and protein expression were found in blood leukocytes from patients with coronary collaterals compared to controls without collaterals [27]. In addition to those patients diagnosed with BPH, surveys of men over 40 yr of age have demonstrated a significant incidence of urinary symptoms among unevaluated groups (17,18,23). Eng News, Jan. use it each year. 09 m thick layer of steam at 127C. The reflection integral densities of the sample are then measured and converted to transmission densities.

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