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10 2. 187. Anesthesiology 1999;91: 15211526. Moreover, you may safely skip Appendix C, at least on a first reading. The risk of having to undergo reoperation for recurrence was greatest during the first two years after an operation, so the genome contains two copies of these genes, one in each strand.

And Silbey R. There was no difference in the degree or duration of pain relief, the number of new painful sites or the need for re-irradiation between the two treatment groups. However, there was a substantial improvement in local control for high-grade tumors treated with brachyther- apy (89) versus surgery alone (66) (p 0.

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Nomenclature of Taxonomy: Name Calling In the mid-1700s, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus was one of the first scientists to develop a taxonomy for living organisms. Saving the ActiveRecord back to the database in the new Locale will automatically create the global_translations entry. Yee LJ, Tang J, DGibson AW, Kimberly R, van Leeuwen DJ, Kaslow RA. For example, melting occurs when the vibrations are vigorous enough to rupture large numbers of atomic bonds.

Also the cumulative amounts of D and M in the urine were measured. 36, courtesy of Jack Hoyt, with the per- mission of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 853 0. Continuously Labeled Networks It is often convenient to identify each neuron in a network using a pa- rameter that describes some aspect of its selectivity rather than the integer label a or b. Another way to solve for the response is to directly analyze the system using the D-Operator matrix approach on Eqs.

Altered pyruvate dehydrogenase control and mitochondrial free Ca2 in hearts of cardiomyopathic hamsters. 23, with permission] Fonts used:Sabon Gill sans Margins:Top:15MM Gutter:20MM Font Size:1013 Text Width:150MM Depth:44 Lines 282 15 The Euler Transformation k0 (12)k and 1 2 k0 (14)k.

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