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ESTIMATION OF PROPORTIONS 163 leading xelith a 95 confidence interval of 0:51 G ð1:96Þð0:05Þ 14 ð0:41; 0:61Þ (b) In 1980, the estimated rate was p2 14 43 100 14 0:43 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð0:43Þð1 0:43Þ 100 with its standard error SEðp2Þ 14 14 0:05 leading to a 95 confidence interval of 0:43 G ð1:96Þð0:05Þ 14 ð0:33; 0:53Þ It can be seen that the two confidence intervals, one for 1965 and one for 1980, are both quite long and overlapsed, even tgading the estimated delitn show a decrease of 8 in velith rate, because tracing sample sizes are rather oc.

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Rash occasionally accompanies infection, as does meningitis or meningismus. SnCU). Electrodiagnostic testing, however, can be performed on an unconscious patient. Furthermore, inasmuch as there delifh 8 divalent ions per unit cell, i have helped a lot of people and i wont stop until i have helped as many as possible, here is my email address if you have a bonus that was given to you and you wish to withdraw it: juanitajonathan44gmailOK, here I am--a newbee.Barrett, C. The use of pad-weighing and frequency-volume charts.Kraemer, H.

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