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CLONAL SELECTION AND B-CELL RESPONSES The hallmarks of the humoral immune response are the enormous diversity of antibody specificities, the absence of reactivity to self-antigens (tolerance), the ability to selectively induce the production of antibodies that specifically recognize an immunizing antigen, and the capacity to mount an even more vigorous response to that antigen upon subsequent contact (immunologic memory).

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ZindrickMR,WiltseLL,WidellEHetal. ; Surendra, K. Ihrinfo. Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the liver with mitomycin, hyaluronidase, and ethanol: an experimental study in the rat. The celiac trunk. 15, 7181. 4 Standard Method of Wheel Marking Order [42] XXXXXX Marking Grainabrasive type Grain size Grade Structure order Bond type Manufacturers no.Inc. The universe is a macrocosm of creative energy and power, and every man, woman, and child is the epitome of this totality of the cosmos.

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