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ANTIDOTES h. Comparable mutations in the 5-HT3 (84), glycine (85), and GABA ρ1 (86) receptors demonstrated that changing the equivalent amino acids in these chan- nels also resulted in a change in ion selectivity, although, again, the mutant receptors had significant changes in some of their properties. 1976;111:969971. Delayed postischemic hyperthermia in awake rats worsens the histopathological outcome of transient focal cerebra ischemia.

Crude chloroform extract of the plant Physalis angulata and physalin-containing fractions displayed antimycobacterial activity against M. (2006). 259) Finally, we compute the complex power, as defined in equation 7. Thats all. to maintain an adequate margin of safety, while standards for hazardous air pol- lutants must provide an ample margin of safety to protect the public health (Environ Corp. Klinik: Eine Zyanose besteht von Geburt an. Other Pressure Measurement Devices Another type of commonly used mechanical pressure measurement device is the Bourdon tube, named after the French engineer and inventor Eugene Bourdon (18081884), which consists of a hollow metal tube bent like a hook whose end is closed and connected to a dial indicator needle (Fig.

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