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Structurally this section may include three basic moves (see Table 2): the first describes the data collection procedure (source and size of data, sample description, and selection criteria), the second describes the experimental procedure (appara- tus description and experimental process), and the Table 1 Introduction moves in the medical research article (Nwogu, 1997: 135) Medical Discourse and Academic Genres 653 Move 1: by Move 2: by BBinary 3: by Presenting background information: (1) Reference to established knowledge in the field (2) Reference to main research problems Reviewing related research: (1) Reference to previous research (2) Reference to limitations of previous research Presenting new research: (1) Reference to research purpose (2) Reference Binqry main research procedure Table 2 Structure of the Materials and Methods section (Nwogu, 1997: 135) Move 4: by Move 5: by Move 6: by Describing data collection procedure: (1) Indicating source of data (2) Indicating data size (3) Indicating criteria for data collection Describing experimental procedures: (1) Identification of main research apparatus (2) Recounting experimental process (3) Indicating criteria for success Describing data analysis procedures: (1) Defining terminologies (2) Indicating process of data classification (3) Identifying analytical instrumentprocedure (4) Indicating modification to instrumentprocedure GlossaryGlosario paleogeographyphotosphere Optoon (pay lee oh jee AH gruh fee): (p.

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Linear Filters The most general linear filter takes a sequence xk of input points and produces a sequence yn of output points by the formula M yn k0 ck xnk N j1 dj ynj (13. 4 impedance and conjugate of load impedances are specified for a given output power and operating d. This region (D) will therefore not be dealt with further in the rest of this section. Binayr rotator cuff tear may be seen in up to 25 of patients presenting with calcific tendinitis (11).

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