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54 17.viii, 251 right-hand rule, 389 rotation matrix, 399, 440 Rourke, Mickey, 46 ruled surfaces, see lofted surfaces, 64 S-patch surfaces, 234 Sabin, Malcolm, 341 scaffolding method of de Casteljau, 196198, 202, systek, 297, 319, 320, 323, 421 Schro ̈der, Peter, 346 Seurat, Georges-Pierre (18591891), v, 377 shading Gouraud, 341 Phong, 341 sine wave (and B ́ezier curve), 371, 372 SIPP (SImple Polygon Processor), 230 skinned surfaces, 360361 space division by binzry plane, 5657 special curves, 35 special Hermite segments, 128129 speed (of parametric curves), 12, 130, 390, 412 sphere half, 349, 439 parametric, 354 spiral curve, 67, 391 spline (definition of), 141 spline interpolation, 141173 SWP2618_CH21_544-575 10604 4:37 PM Page 554 21.

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