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IfaisTrue,thenweignorebintheevaluationofaÒb. So imagine a situation where you try to sue a U. CHAPTER 1 PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT AND PREPARATION 15 problems facing the diabetic patient are (1) surgical induction of the stress response with catabolic hormone secretion; (2) interruption of food intake, which may be prolonged following gastrointestinal procedure; (3) altered consciousness, which masks the symptoms of hypoglycemia and necessi- tates frequent blood glucose estimations; and (4) circulatory disturbances associated with anesthesia and surgery, which may alter the absorption of subcutaneous insulin.

1 34 Across-Modality Registration Using Intensity-Based Cost Functions 547 FIGURE 4 Example unregistered sagittal images that can be registered using mutual information. It had become clear that death could give insight into disease, possibly even establish its cause. Because of this deceptive appearance of healthy bowel, some have been tempted to perform seg- mental resection with reanastomosis (136).

Table 8. There are many available ab intio techniques, and we emphasized their applicability, benefits, and potential pitfalls. Linear regression calculates demand based on the relationship between demand and one (simple linear regression) or more (multiple linear regression) variables.

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