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The Na channel voltage sensor associated with inactivation is localized to the external charged residues of domain IV, S4. (c) If the principle of relativity holds, then from the viewpoint of B, A would similarly be shortened. Table 7. It is a commonplace that reflexive pronouns such as myself, yourself, himself, and so on, have to agree (or be compatible) with their antecedent the entity they refer back to, so the examples in (38) are fine, but those in (39) are ungrammatical: (38a) I admire myself (38b) The judge admires himself (38c) The waitress might flatter herself (39a) I admire yourself (39b) He admires herself (39c) The waitress flattered ourselves There are all sorts of other interesting complications with reflexives: if there are two possible antecedents, the sentence is ambiguous, so in (40) herself can refer to either the nurse or the woman: (40) The nurse showed the woman some documents about herself but this is true only if the two potential ante- cedents are in the same clause as the reflexive: (41) is unambiguous, and herself can refer only to the princess, because the queen is in a different clause: (41) The queen said the princess had disgraced herself Neither of these extra considerations accounts for why (42a) is unambiguous and (42b) is simply un- grammatical: (42a) The mother of the princess has disgraced herself (42b) The brother of the princess has disgraced herself The question is why herself in (42) cant refer back to the princess, but only to the mother or the brother, resulting in the judgements indicated.

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