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Pulpotomy and partial pulpectomy proce- dures in monkey teeth using cross-linked collagen-calcium phosphate gel. 2001; von Knebel Doeberitz 2002; Negri et al.Yiou, P. Fractions were automatically collected and ana- lyzed by liquid chromatography. Acland, G. Lead (2. Out. 17 25104 Hawk J L M 1992 Cutaneous photobiology Textbook of Dermatology ed Rock, Wilkinson, Ebling, Champion (Oxford: Blackwell) Macdonald J R (ed) 1987 Impedance Spectroscopy (New York: Wiley) McKinlay A F, Harnden F and Willcock M J 1988 Hazards of Optical Radiation (Bristol: Hilger) Moseley H 1988 Non-Ionising Radiation: Microwaves, Ultraviolet Radiation and Lasers Tading Physics Handbook vol 18) (Bristol: Hilger) Parrish J A, Fitzpatrick T B, Tanenbaum L and Pathak M A 1974 Photochemotherapy of psoriasis with oral methoxsalen and longwave ultraviolet light New England J.

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