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A 50. Consider, for instance, Darwin's pioneering use of a certain sort of his- torical inference. 7 Names and symbols in current use (or proposed) for elements 104- 112 z Systematic (1977)(") 104 Un-nil-quadium (Unq) IUPAC (1997) Rutherfordium (Rf) Dubnium (Db) Seaborgium (Sg) Bohrium (Bh) Hassium (Hs) Meitnerium (Mt) Other names suggested from time to time Kurchatovium (Ku), Dubnium (Db) Nielsbohrium (Ns), Hahnium (Ha), Joliotium (Jl) Rutherfordium (Rf) Nielsbohrium (Ns) Hahnium (Hn) 105 Un-nil-pentium (Unp) 106 Un-nil-hexium (Unh) 107 Un-nil-septium (Uns) 108 Un-nil-octium (Uno) 109 Un-nil-ennium (Une) 110 Un-un-nilium (Uun) 111 Un-un-unium (Uuu) 112 Un-un-bium (Uub) - - - - - - - (")Thehyphens in the systematic names have been inserted here to assist comprehension and pronunciation; they are not part of the names.

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