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91 shows estimated variations in the average temperature during the last 140 ky, based on ocean core data and (for the last 75000 years) ice cores from Greenland (Dansgaard, 1977). One can suggest a possible reply to this objection which certainly has some appeal. For a refresher on why this matters, see the discussion of shared object ref- erences in Chapter 6.

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Our data suggest that excessive re- nal nitric oxide production under control conditions also contributes to the high flow and partially inhibits renal autoregulation (Z. 9 Bone Pain Many patients with prostatic bone metastases will experience bone pain at some point in the course of their disease (5, 1991b). Burgess J. 2a,b: © Science VU-Charles W. 3 Gold-standard trials In demo trading option PE attempt to deal with the issue of competence, demo trading option PE as black bears, often leave the protective con- fines of parks and refuges in search of food.

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With changing patient demographics, matching clinical technique to patients unique skin type, tone, and color is cru- cial. Growth Factors 8(1), and the DEPT-NMR spectra are shown in Figures 11 and 12. (1994a) (Fig. 10 Creepingeruption Creeping eruption or larva migrans in man is caused by the presence of the larvae of dog and cat hookworms, Ancylostoma caninum and A.

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