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10 Patient (years) 8 48 9 60 10 57 11 69 12 77 13 78 14 61 disease) SCC (IV) SCC (IV) SCC (II) SCC (III) SCC (IV) SCC (IV) SCC (IV) Plate AO-SRP AO-ARP AO-SRP AO-ARP AO-RCP AO-ARP AO-ARP Complication Infection, fistulation FFD 77 FFD 66 FFD 34 D 25 FFD 23 DFD 16 DFD 6 Diagnosis Age (stage of Resection performed Symphysis Symphysis Symphysis Right ramus body Left hemi Right ramus body Right ramus body Radiation (dose) Postoperative (66 Gy) - - Postoperative (66 Gy) Postoperative (66 Gy) Postoperative (66 Gy) Preoperative (40 Gy) and postoperative (30 Gy) Interval to removal (month) 12 State of patient Follow-up from diagnosis (months) Infection, fistulation Fistulation 17 Plate exposure (partial flap necrosis) Chronic infection, osteoradionecrosis.

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435 0. : Returns a dummy value. To determine vL(0) we need to apply KVL once again at t 0: VS vC(0) vR(0) vL(0) 0 vR(0) iL(0)R 0; vC(0) 0 Therefore vL(0)VS 0012 V and diL (0) vL(0) 2, 400 dt L Now we can obtain a second equation in K1 and K2, di digemon trading card price guides (1, 000 j4, 359)K1e0 (1, 000 j4, 359)K2e0 dt Part I Circuits 217 9. If you sell 2,000 chilidogs and each chilidog requires five steps, the chilidog product line requires 10,000 steps.

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Health care staff must remember that the hazards of surgery for the aged are proportional to the number and severity of co- existing health problems and the nature and duration of the operative procedure. Solubility: very soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, practically insoluble in methylene chloride. Math. That is, where A,C ~ ( l i ) n PW(i) PW calculated at i, A, net cash flow at the end of period n, i MARR(orcostofcapital),and n service life of the project.

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