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The optimal doubling rate is W(p) ity at this rate: Sn. Sci. Neurol- ogy 53:139148. Vekilov, P. Let us label these a and b and define voltages va and vb (step 2). 076 0. Although theoretically correct, this may not actually be true on an actual computer because of round-off errors.

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A fundamental limitation of the infra-red spectroscopic measurement of surface temperature is the need for a special transparent window to function as one of the contacting surfaces. J Neurosurg 83:254261 Maruki C, Ito M, Sumie H, Sato K, Ishii S (1986) [Intra- medullary schwannoma with extradural extension: case report] No Shinkei Geka 14:579584 Mascalchi M, Quilici N, Ferrito G, Mangiafico S, Scazzeri F, Torselli P, Petruzzi P, Casottini M, Tessa C, Bartolozzi C (1997) Identification of the feeding arteries of spinal vascular lesions via phase-contrast MR angiography with three-dimensional acquisition and phase display.

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