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In HSV-1 the capsomeres are constructed from VP5: a penton is made from five molecules of VP5 and a hexon from six molecules. References 1. Legitimacy can be based on strong attachment to a political leader (charismatic), on elective procedures (legal- rational), or on a customary or informal acceptance (tradi- tional) of political incumbents or a regime.

2002), yl0, 0 Therefore f x, y l 1 2 fx,xx2x2 2 as x, y l 0, 0 along y x FIGURE 5 (See Figure 5. 6366)0. To the extent that urban mothers seek income- generating activities outside of the home, monetary resources may be bolstered by child-rearing and child-caring and meal provision can be disrupted. Biological controls include the disruption of the reproductive cycles of pests and the introduction of more biologically diverse organisms to inhibit overpopulation of different ag- ricultural pests.

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3 Outline of the Text 6 Exercises 7 Part I - Reservoir Engineering Primer Basic Reservoir Analysis 11 2. After you get the whole procedure typed into the Code window, as in the top of Figure 8-3, type test into the Immediate window and press Enter to run the code. The archetypes to which Jung devoted the greatest amount of attention in his writings include the shadow, the anima and animus, the wise old man, the magna mater (or great earth mother), the child, and the self (Jung, 1968).

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