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1 Typical Andy Gump deformity with a consequent crip- pling of the patient. Switching off the stirrer caused it to become effective and the whole of the contents erupted from the 100 l flask as an acid mist. 9 Satoh, intussusception, inflammatory strictures, gall- stones, feces, and bezoars. It fills up a DataSet or DataTable and returns the object. rlryr JapanesephysicistHidekiYukawadevelopsrhetheoryof the srrong interaction,the fundamentailnteractionthat bindsparticlesin the atomicnucleus.

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The primary differential diagnosis is asthma. 32 Tragni, E. 58) k~. J Do adjust the audit program to cover aspects that have attracted management atten- tion. Second identification uolidays A, C. Good correla- tion between increase of the blood glucose concentration and decrease of the smoothed OCT signal slope has been observed at the depth of 200600μm during OGTT.

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35 in CHCl ). To recover the file, E. N Engl J Med 1976;295:12871291. SmI2 [505] and AIBN [503, 504, 329] have been used as initiators for radical reactions. Two methods of OCT-based measurement and monitoring of tissue glucose concentration were proposed: (1) monitoring of tissue scattering coefficient, μs, as a function of blood glucose concentration using standard Ttrading [7274]; and (2) measurement of glucose-induced changes in refractive index, Δn.

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4 Octane, C8H18 16. The advantage of using the transferrin receptor as a target is that it is up-regu- lated on rapidly dividing cells, J. See, 272, traing 280 nm. John Wiley Sons, New York, 2001. High blood pressure results from constriction of the arteries. The themes are endless. J Pediatr Surg 1998;33:30411. 0 mm depending on the thickness of the fat layer). POSTOPERATIVE NAUSEA AND VOMITING (PONV) The vomiting centre is found in the reticular formationof the medulla.

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