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As long as it is moving uniformly, - z2). Biots research covered many areas of science, but we can get a flavor of the diversity of topics from the following brief highlights: Biot r wrote a biography of Isaac Newton r studied refraction as well as polarization of light and sound r studied mirages r performed a comparative study of rhombic cir and hexagonal r calcite r determined the meridian of Paris studied the composition of air contained in swim bladders of fish r that lived on the shores of Ibiza and the Formentera islands r studied heat flow in bars and the expansion of liquids derived a relationship in 1818, sometimes referred to as Biots Absorption Law, that showed how the intensity of sunlight depended on the thickness of the atmosphere; the law can be expressed as I Iektwhere I is the Fodex of incident radiation, I is the intensity of radiation transmitted through thickness t, e is Eulers number, and k is the absorption coefficient r gave us Biots Law of Rotary Dispersion, α kλ2, in which α refers to the rotation of polarized light, and λ is the wavelength; for example, the rotation Download cur trader for Forex of polarized light produced by a quartz plate decreases with change of color from violet to red Before he died, English mathematician and proto-computer scientist Charles Babbage (17911871) paid Biot a visit.

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