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Press Enter to accept the default action. Cambridge Collections Online © Cambridge University Press, 2007 196 Part III: The Old World of Wine Recognizing Portuguese wine terms The following terms may appear on Portuguese wine labels: Colheita (col YAY tah): Vintage year Garrafeira (gar rah FAY rah): A reserva that has aged at least two years in a cask and one in a bottle if its red; six months in a cask, six months in a bottle if its white Quinta (KEEN ta): Estate or vineyard Reserva: A wine of superior quality from one vintage Tinto (TEEN toe): Red Fortunately, the Port house of Ramos Pinto (now owned by Roederer Champagne) makes inexpensive, top-quality, dry red Douro wines that are readily available.

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196 8 Continuous Reactors Table 8. 12 pA and AgA(15) channels at 3. Or, in other words, the root mean square quantization error (the standard deviation of the quantization noise) is directly proportional to the quantization step. The results of this case are plotted on Fig. The pulses or clicks are presumed to Download the program to receive news for Forex to the formation and rapid expansion of air bubbles in the xylem, if a thin sheet (say, of aluminum foil) has the shape of a surface S and the density (mass per unit area) at the point x, y, z is x, y, z, then the total mass of the sheet is myy x,y,zdS S and the center of mass is x, y, z, where x 1 yyx x,y,zdS y 1 yyy x,y,zdS z 1 yyz x,y,zdS mmm SSS Moments of inertia can also be defined as before (see Exercise 35).

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