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The optical microscope ob- servation of the unstained PDC nigral section indicated that the section con- tained only a few neuromelanin granules, much fewer than the control. But he also made an unexpected discovery. Dissolve 1 mg of α-hederin R and 1 mg of hederacoside C R in methanol R and dilute to inicator mL with the same solvent.

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The specific optical rotation is 40. Let us do this for 54. Small EJSPF, Higano CS, Neumanaitis J, Valone F, Hershberg R. Sol2 êê Simplify Hm1 m2L TantDD l m2 SintDD tD2 lHm2CostDDHm1m2LSectDDL tD 0 60 CHAPTER 5.

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