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In the peripheral nervous system, clearance of myelin debris after nerve injury is a prerequisite to subsequent regeneration, and this raises the possibility that some macrophage functions may, in fact, be beneficial in the CNS as well (133). We focus here on models aiming to describe motions measured in energy resolved elastic incoherent neutron scattering. 5779E-01 9. Use the following extended ASCII codes: COh, BFh, B3h, C4h, D9h, and DAh, from the table on the inside back cover of this book.

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The left main bronchus reached the trachea eas- ily enough to be anastomosed there end-to-side. 201. Ingesting even very small amounts can cause blindness. TREATMENT: MEDICAL OR SURGICAL Surgical: Indication, Technique, and Complications Surgical treatment is seldom helpful in CVI. wimedia. This will be described in more detail in the next section. Since opinion con- cerning safe and appropriate positioning changes fre- quently and differs between institutions and physicians, 055_062_Donoghue_Cleveland 28-02-2007 07:16 Pagina 58 Chronic Pelvic Pain 239 studied [43].

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