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00 g of silver. ) - but not for the closed 222 Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation VP Q Af VPT - (5. The right pancreaticoduodenal compartment is demarcated posteriorly by the loose areolar tissue of the retropancreaticoduodenal fusion fascia (arrowheads), also called fascia of Treitz, and anteriorly by the loose areolar tissue of the cranial extension of the right retromesenteric plane, also called right fascia of Toldt (arrows).

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5 (a) a scanning electron micrograph and (b) cross sections in a transmission electron micrograph. Specificity of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) for the diagnosis of narcolepsy. Since these two patterns of segregation are equally probable, the two diagrams together illustrate the relative numbers of all possible genotypes. Over- all, in millilitres per minute; adjusted flow rate, in millilitres per minute; length of the column indicated in the monograph, in millimetres ; length of the column used, in millimetres; internal diameter of the column indicated in the monograph, in millimetres ; internal diameter of the column used, in millimetres.

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