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Another study focusing on quantitative measurements of O2 gradients in 3D collagen has also shown that increased VEGF concentrations correlated well to decreasing O2 levels throughout the 3D constructs during a 10-day period of cultivation [28].

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All patients, except two, had recovery of spermatogenesis; and the recov- ery time from azoospermia was dose-dependent. 193:481 494. The gene names and functions vary from plasmid to plasmid; the well-studied IncP-1 plasmid R100 is used here as an example. J Am Chem Soc 108 77716 7986]. 278: 4720947216. Brain imaging and neurochemical studies have shown that VNS activates various limbic regions and affects var- ious neurotransmitters. Beth hinted. Huhman DV, concentrated and dried.

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Chapman, M. Curr. ; Clawson, L. 9235 1. However, some evidence exists that the US pathway, like the CS pathway, involves both direct thalamo-amygdala and indirect thalamo-cortico-amygdala circuits that converge in the lateral amygdala (Shi and Davis, 1999).

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