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The decay of the shaded nu- clides is most significant in determining dose. Imago The adult stage of an insect. Superclusters Clusters of clusters of galaxies. This process continues until we have a remainder of 0. 1983. 3 4 ) where h L (Ω) and h 0. In fact, the most abundant nuclide in the core is 56Fe. the flame does flash back. Anisotropic pigments may become oriented during processing to give anomalous effects.

The lesion often shows hyperintensity on DW imaging, with de- creased ADC (Fig. Subsequent lines are not indented. Given a reflector of radius r0 and symmetrically placed N struts which reduces cross-polarization, we define the strut factor Aco as IFR times the ratio of the projected area of one strut to the reflector area: and |IFRi | |IFRM| |IFRM IFRD cos 2γi | for linear polarization area wi (IFREi cos2 γi IFRH i sin2 γi ) (8-72) Aco |IFRi|Npwr0 πr02 with w w sin θ0, the width projected along the plane wave, (8-73) Np 1 2 for N odd for N even Blockage co-polarization sidelobes due to the struts radiate a broad pattern that reaches an asymptotic level [38]: sidelobe(dB) 20 log(Aco) for uniform aperture (8-74) 20 log(Aco) 2 for 20-dB taper aperture for circular polarization Index A ABV.

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